Each day I spend a little time scanning blogs for both professional and personal reasons.It's an interesting and quick way of keeping in touch, of identifying specific things of interest that I might otherwise miss.
My old friend Noric Dilanchian is managing partner at Dilanchian Lawyers & Consultants in Sydney. Dilanchian are intellectual property and innovation professionals. As part of his web site upgrade, Noric has created a blog, Lightbulb, to provide a forum for discussion on intellectual property and commercialisation issues. This can be accessed via the site front page.
While a number of US law firms have blogs, they appear to be rare in Australia. I think that blogs can be a valuable device for encouraging discussion and extending firm reputation. The Dilanchian blog is still new, but already has some interesting material. I wish Noric and his team all the success with the initiiative.
Pajama market's small business blog of the day focuses on business blogging, selecting a new business blog site for review on an almost daily basis. The blog includes interviews. The site provides a valuable case study resource for those interested in using blogs to support their business activities.
Des Walsh's Thinking Home Business has a strong focus on practical business blogging, social networking and home based business. Like Pajama Markets, Des has a strong focus on blogging for business purposes, but he also addresses blogging iteself as a business.
Ways of improving the management of professional services firms continues to be one of my main professional interests, including my role in editing the Ndarala blog on Managing the Professional Services Firm.
Bruce MacEwen's Adam Smith Esq remains one of my key information resources on the legal sector. David Maister's blog provides a range of stimulating material across professional services.
Another apparently disconnected blog is Jim MacLennan's Cazh1. I say apparently disconnected because this blog provides comments and information on the interface between business and technology. It does this in a valuable way, but it also provides a lot of information and comment on the management of professional teams. So I get information for multiple use.
A fellow member of Linked-in bloggers, Dennis McDonald's All Kind Food focuses on living with technololgy, media and systems. Some of Dennis's material goes beyond the the limits of my understanding, some is too far outside my interests, but there remains a lot of valuable stuff for anybody interested in the use and management of technology even if not a technologist themselves. Jim MacLennan and Dennis also cross-comment from time to time, which can be interesting.
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