Today I read the Sydney Morning Herald in full for the first time since I returned to the country. I was left with an extreme sense of boredom.
I see that Mr Rudd has had to compromise in the Senate. Yawn. Despite the dramatic heading "Rudd's first surrender to the Senate", we all expected this.
I see that there have been further transport delays in Sydney. Yawn. Self-harm is on the rise among teen girls. Apparently the rate has risen by a third over the last twelve years so that 300 girls out of every 100,000 are now admitted to hospital after harming themselves. Yes, there is an issues here that is a tragedy for those involved, but the problem does not warrant the paper's breathless treatment. Yawn.
The new NSW Government appears to be Iemmering itself by proposing new restrictions on L plate drivers. Yawn. All Mr Iemma could do to meet problems was to impose a new restriction or benchmark.
NSW teachers are angry at the latest plans to streamline (=cutting costs) of the NSW HSC. Yes, they may have a point. But none of the debate really cuts to discussion on educational issues. Yawn.
Perhaps I am unfair, but almost everything in the paper was a repetition of past issues. Yawn.
Thomas made a comment on this post that is worth repeating in full. He said:
Could I suggest being a little more sensitive on one of the issues that you've touched on here Jim, the one on self harm among girls. You don't know *who* might be related to one of those 300, and has had to deal with it.
Just a suggestion, nothing meant to incite an argument or criticism of you. I know that you only have the best in mind, and good intentions. I could see your wider point, but still.
Thomas is, of course, right. I have two daughters. I would be devastated if they were one of the 300. I was commenting on the way the matter was reported, not the tragedy for those personally involved.
I thought of deleting the point entirely, but then decided to alter the wording a little plus add this postscript as an explanation.
Thanks, Thomas.
Could I suggest being a little more sensitive on one of the issues that you've touched on here Jim, the one on self harm among girls. You don't know *who* might be related to one of those 300, and has had to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteJust a suggestion, nothing meant to incite an argument or criticism of you. I know that you only have the best in mind, and good intentions. I could see your wider point, but still.