To add to my various on-line worries, my computer crashed yesterday. My previous expansive world has now shrunk to a little time on my wife's machine or access at work, and that is necessarily limited.
I had coped to some degree without normal internet connections by writing some stuff in word and then loading it before starting work or in my lunch break. Now with the internet connection on but my computer down my position is, if anything, worse.
It's not just computer issues complicating my life. The house move has added up to 40 minutes travel time each way depending on connections. Yes, I can read while travelling, but with over three hours a day travel my actual writing time is further squeezed. I find that I get very tired trying to cope with all this.
I think that the thing that I am missing most is the stimulation that comes from on-line interaction. I had become dependent - addicted if you like - to reading and responding too the sites, especially the blogs, that I most liked. I have not been able to visit some blogs that I like in weeks.
I learn through interaction: interaction with the books or blogs I read as I read and then as I write; interaction with other people's responses to the things I write about; interaction with those around me talking about issues and ideas that have come to me through the process. Just at present this interaction is sadly diminished.
It is now ten past six. To be sure of getting to work before by 8.30 I need to catch the 7.03 bus. We are quite close to the bus stop. Still, to catch this bus I have to leave the house around 6.50. With the few minutes since I last mentioned the time, I have 30 minutes left to shower etc.
At the other end of the day, I left work at ten to five yesterday. I got home just after 6.30. I had to do a quick run to the shops to get things for tea. We ate about 7.45. Having been up at 4am to try to get a few things done, I basically ate, did a few things and went to bed.
From my viewpoint this is not a civilised life style.
It is now 6.20. I am not going to catch the 7.03. The next bus after that is 7.19. I may or may not catch it.
Enough of a moan. Now that I at least know all the timetables as well as the travelling times, I will have to sit down and chart the mix that gives me the best chance of at least maintaining some writing. And work out how to get the computer fixed.
It is now 6.30. I really must try to catch the 7.19!
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