My plane does not leave Townsville for several hours, so I am waiting on here on Magnetic Island, taking the time to catch up on a little blogging. The computer is in fact in the resort's lobby, giving me a view of water and the ferry terminal (photo).
I have been out of touch with the world, so I have little idea as to what has been happening beyond snippets picked up on the TV news. Really a good thing, because the break has given me a chance to catch up, including time for a stocktake on the things that I have had on my list to write about. Its become quite a long list, so I have been doing a bit of pruning.
The FICPI (Australian Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys) Conference itself has given me a fair bit to mull over.
In preparing my conference presentation I went back over past blog posts on corporatisation, using one long blog post I had written triggered by the float of Slater & Gordon, Corporatisation, Corporate Structures and the Law - The Case For, as a base for a new paper. Once I have written this up, I can make it available as a stand-alone paper.
Some of the presentations at the conference not only gave me material for new posts, but also caused me to shift some of my views. Not a dramatic change, more a shift at the margins.
Mmm! Looking at the time, I am going to have to move. But first, a few of my more recent posts on other blogs:
- Common Management Problems - micro-management looks at a common management problem
- Corporatisation, Keddies and professional ethics provides links to stories about the ethical and professional problems raised by the Keddies case in NSW
- Partnerships - Problems with Multidisciplinary Workings provides an entry point to discussion about multidisciplinary practice
- University of New England's Mary White College celebrates 50 years talks, as the title says, about this College's 50th anniversary
- If things aren't wrong, don't try to fix them is a short post making an obvious point
- Visiting Canberra - Introduction is the entry point for a series of posts about our recent trip to Canberra
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