Last night my wife kindly shouted me dinner at the Newmarket, the pub where eldest works.
Helen was on duty, but we were there to watch Australia and New Zealand play in the Rugby semi finals. It was fun!
I am never quite sure which side I am going to cheer for. Mainly, I cheer for Australia in the union, New Zealand in league, because that reflects the relative underdog status.
Last night Australia lost 20-6 and deserved to do so. The All Blacks were awesome.
I really didn't mind who won or lost. I was there to enjoy myself and to soak in the atmosphere. There was quite a big Kiwi contingent in the crowd, while the Australian supporters were somewhat depressed. My wife is a soccer supporter, but has been forced to watch enough Rugby to become both reasonably knowledgeable and quite vocal. Some of her comments on the Australian players do not bear repeating.
I just thought that if New Zealand lost the damage to the New Zealand national psyche would have been close to irreparable!
I wonder which genius decided to put on an Australian-New Zealand rugby league test on the same day as the union? The league was simply swamped.
Agree with your comments Jim. The ABs deserved the win, and our guys were basically crap. What a shame it wasn't the decider though.
The thing about sport I always enjoy/ed is the struggle, not the result. Was always perfectly happy to lose, or watch my team lose - provided I/they lived up to, or exceeded my/their previous best.
And an armchair is a comfortable place, is it not?
Didn't quite take that philosophical view, kvd, after Helen and I were at Eden park for the Irish defeat! Still, Australia actually did play better this time.
They played better than their Irish game, but not anywhere near as well as the game against South Africa - which was terrific.
And anyway, after defeat, what else is there left except philosophy?
No, no, no, kvd. Philosophy has to come first!
Puts me in mind of this
Rhymes without Reason.
My daughters love that song, kvd.
Follow up on the Rugby:
I had a client call through this afternoon raving about their fly-cruise visit to NZ. It was an NRMA special deal for $600 per person - fly to somewhere on the west coast, cruise round bottom of North Island, a Rugby match, fly home. Ship two thirds full.
It was an American cruise ship company which had only one full fee-paying American couple - cruised from Sydney, cruise back to Sydney - total cost $30,000
Also I've just tried to read your linked Sarah Thorneycroft 'draft thesis etc.' and my eyes are bleeding. If you get an English translation, I'd be interested to read. Buried here (hopefully) so as to not insult said Sarah.
Cruise sounds fun, but $30,000!
On Sarah, she sits within a particular space. I have to work out how to translate my views and hers to a common English! Looking at her tweets over time, she does have some good ideas.
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