Eldest daughter Helen has become the fashion guru for her father and also, if to a lesser extent, her mother.
My train reading this morning was in fact an article, really a set of articles, that appeared in Australia's Friday Financial Review glossy magazine. In a status update on Facebook I wrote:
I normally don't read the glossy magazine that appears in Friday's Financial Review. Too many things that I either don't like or can't afford! This time I was attracted by Marion Humes' review of the Australian fashion industry. It was bitsy, that's pretty much normal now because of reduced attention spans, but there was some interesting stuff. Maybe a story or two!
While my focus in the comment was on the stories themselves, I was also thinking personally.
When I got home tonight, I gave Helen the section to read, asking her opinion. I also asked her about some of the ads for men's clothing. Her opinions mirrored mine. That was reassuring. We then talked about my desire to buy some new clothing. I wanted to shift my image.
As a writer trying to support a writing addiction through contract work, I simply cannot afford the clothes I used to buy. The money is just not there. On the other hand, I like to look smart. So H and I worked trough my wardrobe.
I was reassured that she thought my basic taste was good. I never buy top fashion stuff, more classic lines that are likely to last. I also try to buy clothes that will fit in different circumstances.
We worked through my remaining clothing, much old. I will throw half of this out, replacing it with a limited number of new purchases built around strong statements. That way I get a good mix, things that will make me feel smart.
Sounds a big undertaking.
What's the budget?
Or if not an actual budget, what do you envisage the damage could amount to?
Not a budget as such, anon. More an aspiration over time since cash is tight. The critical issue is style and quality rather than name. It's actually not such a big thing as it sounds. Low thousands, with a new suit the biggest ticket item. The aim is to be able to mix and match.
You should always consider the quality not the brand. Another way is customizing old dress that will fit for the new fashion trend. It is not important to have those classy dress what matters now is how you carry that dress which represents you personality.
After a long time, I got dressed to go out to see a film yesterday. The current fashion here is to let the shirt tail out to be casual. It is the height of summer here and I almost did. Ranjan in fact encouraged me to leave it out with the comment, that it was cool! I simply could not. I tucked it in and went on.
And so our age types us, Ramana!
Synchronicity - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/24/fashion/for-men-the-summer-suit-evolves.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120524
Nice story, Ramana. A lighter touch!
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